piranhas feeding!!

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Hope you checked you're State laws. I'm in VA, and it's a mandatory $2,500 fine and up to a year in jail to own one! Plus the Fish and Game Dept can basically seize whatever property you're housing the fish... like your house! The county animal shelter here has a big piranha tank inside that they seized and a bunch of warnings about owning them here. I'm sure it's fine where you are... just saying I hope you checked!
Hope you checked you're State laws. I'm in VA, and it's a mandatory $2,500 fine and up to a year in jail to own one! Plus the Fish and Game Dept can basically seize whatever property you're housing the fish... like your house! The county animal shelter here has a big piranha tank inside that they seized and a bunch of warnings about owning them here. I'm sure it's fine where you are... just saying I hope you checked!
i checked, it's illegal around louisville, but i recently moved to indiana where they r legal.:D also, im planning on upgrading to a 150g tank this summer
2? i kept 2 piranhas in a tank before... the bigger one ate the smaller one. u should get one more to be safe
Yeah, I dont find that entertaining or enjoyable at all. I am sure the goldfish did not enjoy it either.
I don't have any moral issue with using feeder fish, shrimp, snails, or whatever, but using as a form of entertainment is on the juvenile side, in my opinion.

I did enjoy the video of the piranha biting your hand though :p
just curious where do you buy piranha? i keep sw tanks but i was wondering where do they even sell them
The other issue is feeder fish has no nutritional value, it also can transfer parasites to your fish. It can also cause fatty liver disease which is the number one cause of death in fish fed a steady diet of feeders. With today's modern technology of pellets there is never a need to consider live.
""The other issue is feeder fish has no nutritional value""
Thats like saying that fish (any kind) have no nutritional value, I'm sure there's some as the pike cichlids I had wouldn't touch cichlid food, but would take after gold fish/guppies like they were starving.

To each their own, but I agree and never dropped in more than I knew they would eat and never one or two just to watch what would happen.
nice links, however one has no proof to offer, and the second is about feeding fresh water fish to marine fish, I could be wrong but pretty sure piranha are fresh water...also note the fish he used to compare are normal "farmed" food fish and not goldfish/guppies. Living in the northwest I can tell you anything "farmed" is going to be VERY high in fat (look at his tables for farmed salmon vrs normal salmon) and is going to be very much like his statement "would be roughly equivalent to making your BigMac more nutritious by dipping it into vegetable oil first", as I said, not going to say its the best, but often its the only thing keeping the fish alive if it won't take flake/pellets.
To each their own but I think feeding live fish is cruel, discusting, and not needed.

Seconded!! it isn't necessaryto feed live fish to Piranah, any raw meat will do the job, it's sick and perverse to video something like that, enough said.

live feeding is used in this case to allow them to retain their wild behavior. i dont commonly use goldfish anymore since it's too expensive now
Any fish can be trained to take pellets, it's just a matter of starving the fish for a fee days then adding pellets slowly to train them it's food. It's not like were are training dogs here, they're simple creatures with the brain the size of a pea.
tell that to seahorses :p

I do agree that most fish can be trained into pellets, but I also know that when converting certain fish over it takes time, especially wild caught. I've not gotten into the real exotic or extremely expensive ones that it actually posed a challenge to do.
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