Placement of powerheads

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 5, 2003
Charleston, SC
I have just begun to convert my aquarium to a reef tank, a 37g, just need some advice on the placement of powerheads (and number of) that would be beneficial to existing coral, a frogspawn, and future corals. Just FYI, all levels are withing acceptable range, and lighting is a Custom SeaLife PC w/ Moonlight.

Thanks for all help,

you want a powerhead near your heater and for a 37 gallon? probably just 1 powerhead
What you are looking for in a reef tank is turbulence more than laminar current. Many corals will not do as well with a constant current from one direction blowing on them. If you can do it without breaking the bank, I'd go with a Natural Wave powerstrip and three small PH's. I think you'll find (and I agree) that Maxi Jet PH's are what most folks here recommend. You might go with two 600's and one 900. I'd arrange them so that one is at each end of the tank and the stronger one points across the tank at an angle. Put them at different depths also. Hooked up to the timed powerstrip, this should give you plenty of varied current. If you don't want to spring for the wavemaker, I'd still use three small PH's and aim them so that the current from one hits the current from the others. JMHO.
I have a a 37 gal eclipse tank it's got a 55 watt pc and this is exactly what I did. I got a Rio 600 and placed it on the opposite side of the the filtration run off, or on top of the where the intake is but at the top of the tank and the I got a rio 80 and places it at the opposite corner and it but of more that enough current/ turbulence with the intake for the filter and the 80 one way and the 600 going the opposite way. My frog spawn does great it is only 4 inches away from the in take of the filter. Hope this helps.
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