planning on buying my first real skimmer

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 29, 2008
Detroit Area
hi all. i am planning on buying my first actual skimmeer soon. im not counting the crappy one that came with my nanocube. it is going to be for my 55 which will eventually be a somewhat heavily stocked reef. ive been reading up on skimmers lately and it seems like the favorites are the octopus, asm, and euro-reef skimmers. so i think this will be easy for you pros out there to help me decide. i want a skimmer that is a overkill (duh). i cant spend much more that 150 (biggest problem). so im sure that ill be buying used. i also hear a lot about modding skimmers. all of these valve mods and stuff and im really lost with that. also i will have a fuge to put it in.
so any help you could give me would be great.
Actually, for 150, you can buy a pretty **** good skimmer. Not an overkill one that most likely costs 300 or something. But there are some really good skimmers out there for 150$. You should look in some of the ads AA has because alot of these sites have good deals on skimmers. I just bought a reef octopus HOB skimmer. Its got like 4.5 out of 5 stars and i heard from two people already that it really is a great skimmer and gets the job done perfectly. I also got the skimmer for 113$. So im sure with 150$ you can get a really nice upgraded version of the one i bought. The reef octopus skimmers are nice though.. so just look around and you'll be surprised as to what you can find.

And yeah, thominil linked me to that octopus skimmer which was the one i bought lol.
haha truth be told. I went on google and looked at the reviews and all of them were good lol. The only thing bad they had to say about it was that the manual to set it up sucked xD Thing is.. you just hang it on the back and turn it on.. so im not that worried about it lol.
to be honest im not too big of a fan of hob's i was kind of hoping to hide it in my rubbermaid.
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