Plant help needed!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2012
Im just here to ask how you people get your plants to look so beautiful and nice and bright looking! i just want some advice for helping my plants grow as nice as all of your! i have a 20 gallon tank i have an 18" 15W T8 light bulb and under water fluval filter and a 100W heater is there any thing i cab do to inprove my plants growth?
Its a pretty broad question... I think you should google "low tech vs high tech planted tank" and determine the amount of money (budget) and work you want to put into this planted tank.

IMO, high tech tanks are more colorful and beautiful. But the caveat is the extra work and money that goes into it.

Low tech setups are great for beginners and require less work/money...
First of all, a well balanced substrate is the most important factor to a healthy planted tank. those substrates that they sell in the lfs are expensive for a reason. but if you feel adventurous you can always do dirt/soil. Second, the amount of light for the plants that you're planting in the tank. Without proper nutrients, you can do everything else right and yet still not have the bloom in the tank you're chasing after. Different plants require different amount of lighting. So go through the list of plants you would like in the tank and look up the required lighting for them. Third, CO2 injection. All plants need carbon dioxide for beautiful growth although some would be fine just without it. Water Flow, some plants, such as the Madagascar lace plant, need certain amount of water flow to deter the growth of algae on the leaves while bringing trace elements that they need. Very broad question and you can go on days and days talking about each specific factor.
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