Plant/Rock Advice for African Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 3, 2013
Shreveport, LA
I have my 55g tank very close to the end of the fishless cycle and was wanting to get some advice/direction on live plants and rocks. The tank will house 5 - Yellow Labs, 5 - Cobalt Blue Zebras, 5 - Red Zebras, and 1 - Albino Bristlenose Pleco. I have been advised by several guys that have had African Cichlids for years and am not really open to advice on my stock list, but what I would like to get advice on is live plants and rocks I should put in the tank. I was thinking of doing one side of the tank as live plants, one side as a rock formation, and separated in the middle by a taller piece of driftwood. Sound good? Advice? :popcorn:
Sounds good and I hope the plants works for ya. Most of us couldn't keep live plants with mbuna including myself. Some was able to do it for some time then had to take them out.
Sounds good and I hope the plants works for ya. Most of us couldn't keep live plants with mbuna including myself. Some was able to do it for some time then had to take them out.

I have heard this and read it in my research, but I have never seen a reason. Why did you have to take them out? Also thanks for the quick reply!
The plants I added that needed to be planted into a substrate they kept uprooting. The other ones I had glued in places, when I'd get home from work they would be all over the tank. The leaves looked bad from them pulling and eating them off the stem. They would snap the stem in half and the plants would be all over. It was just bad and it drove me up a wall so out they all came. I even tryed fake plants and it didn't work out
The plants I added that needed to be planted into a substrate they kept uprooting. The other ones I had glued in places, when I'd get home from work they would be all over the tank. The leaves looked bad from them pulling and eating them off the stem. They would snap the stem in half and the plants would be all over. It was just bad and it drove me up a wall so out they all came. I even tryed fake plants and it didn't work out

Ok cool - I will try and keep you updated on how it goes in my tank. I really like live plants so hopefully it will work out. Any advice on plant types?
Anubias and java ferns is what I think they are called. I don't know my plant names to well even though I've have plants in two tanks lol
I had mbunas and was a me to keep Anubis. Tied to drift rock rather than plant. Had a few Rosetta's that did fine until I left for the weekend. Came back and plant was eaten. I guess they got hungry.
Ive had a java fern in my african tank for a year now. Sometimes they nibble on it, but its doing alright.
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