Planted Bowls!

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3 dirted "bowls" started

This is so much fun! :dance:

I put the clay slip in the bottom of my containers, sifted organic potting soil into the two smaller ones and didn't sift into the bigger one. I am going to let them sit in the sun for a couple of days for the clay to dry out. I put a whole plant tab in the big one, a large chunk into the medium, and a tiny piece into the jar. I got so excited I forgot the Osmacote. Oh well, I will do dry ferts.


I figure if they don't work out as aquariums, I will just make a terrarium.(y)


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Lol. They've been swimming in circles since I put them in there. It's hilarious!
Its cool how all of our bowls have different "feels" like billbugs is like a iwagumi style and jmays has the slate and myn is like a pond.
I was thinking of Doing a planted bowl... Except I know nothing about it :p Could anyone kind of explain how to do it/what you can put in? Thanks :)
Just bought this at Hobby Lobby for $3.50 on their glass sale. Going to move my Anubias Nana to one of these planted bowls.

What should I use for substrate?

I have something very similar to this at my moms house... Hmmm.. This idea my be a reality soon :)
Here's a different opinion from Billybug's...

I have male bettas side by side in planted 4 gallon Evolves. Neither one has a heater but the water stays consistently at 75 degrees F, I think primarily because of the lid, which seems to create a greenhouse effect.

IMO for containers over about a gallon and half, it's the conditions inside the container that are more important than the size of it. Highly planted containers and tanks have a natural filtration system.

Even a small jar, vase or bowl can be bad news for plants if there's not very much surface area for gas exchange.

How big is your vase, and what's it's shape? Do you have a photo you can post?

Its 1 foot tall by 6 inches in length by 5 inches width. I posted a pic earlier with three that I was trying to decide between. I'm now on my puter otherwise I'd post it again for you to see.
I was thinking of Doing a planted bowl... Except I know nothing about it :p Could anyone kind of explain how to do it/what you can put in? Thanks :)

I have this plastic vase... Will that work ok?


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Ok... So now what? Lol I wanna get started, but u have no experience... :p

Find the kind of substrate you're looking for so you have an idea of what you're doing. Then, research some plants to see what you like and what you can have. Then ask questions about them. After that, set it up to look how you want. :)
Ok... So now what? Lol I wanna get started, but u have no experience... :p

First decide substrate. You can do either Ecocomplete, walstad method, or sand w/ root tabs.
For this I think ecocomplete would be the best option.
Next, choose ur carpeting plant, I think either moss or baby tears would look cool.
Then, get maybe a few background plants (or one in the middle if people are going to see it at every angle.
Now livestock, you could probably do some shrimp and snails.
I have this plastic vase... Will that work ok?

Plastic tends to seem to attract algae. It will work but I would recommend glass. Thrift stores and Yard sales or if you are looking for a good deal and willing to spend a few dollars, Ross, Marshalls, Home Goods, Tuesday Morning, other discounters too, or I think a gallon pickle jar! Eat the pickles, get a free jar! :lol:

Petco has small bags of sand in grey and a terra cotta sunset color on clearance for 2.49 where i live. The same size bag of black and natural are $4.99. Still reasonable. You can always look at the big box home improvement stores for the 1/2 price or $1.00 a bag torn bag deals for Kwikcrete construction sand or play box sand. Needs to be rinsed over and over and over, AFTER the water runs clear. But cheap!
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