Planted ECO-Complete as substrate in Cichlid tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
Since I have moved I've decided to take my 75gal in another direction and set up an African Cichlid tank. Previously, the tank was set up as a planted tank using 120lbs of planted ECO-complete substrate. My question is whether I can continue to use this substrate and whether it will maintain the pH Africans require. Or would it be wise to replace all the substrate ($$$) with something more suitable. Could I supplement 40lbs or so of the Eco-Complete made specifically for Africans with the current substrate. Thanks for your help
IMO I would use nothing but Carib Sea's Eco-Complete African Cichlid Sand but I know that can get expensive real quick (I bought four bags of it myself in the last month or so). I don't see that the Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium substrate used by itself provides any noticeable benefit regarding the pH recommended for African cichlids. Mixing the two does sound like a good compromise although I haven't tried it myself.
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