Planted Tank HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 23, 2013
Hey all!

I am new to this forum, and looking for some advice on two aquariums I have (descriptions are on profile.)

First, I have a 20g tall tank. It has been set up for over a year now. As of about 2 months ago, I switched out my gravel with flourite substrate and added a dual T5HO hood light (I believe the bulbs I have in it are a ZooMed aquasun and floramax). The temperature stays around a constant 78 degrees. The lights are on around 10h a day. I have a variety of live plants... some swords, anubias nana, a red plant (dont know name), and possibly moneywort?. I have 7 guppies, 2 platies, 2 mollies, 2 pleco, and 1 cory in this tank.

Looking for suggestions as far as if this is a proper light for this tank and type of plants I have. The light sits right on top, so maybe a max of 2 in above the water. I'm assuming this is high light. I do not dose CO2.
Any suggestions if this light is ok for what I have? Are there certain plants I should be looking for?

Second, I have a 10g divided tank for my 2 baby betta fish. It has the standard flourescent hood, heater, and filter. It also has some live plants. The temperature remains around 75 degrees. I also have 2 otocinus (one on each side). I am having a very hard time with algae in this tank... both brown and bright blue/green. Any suggestions? I've tried algaequel with no luck.

Any advice on both tanks would be appreciated! And any "relandscaping" ideas / setup ideas are welcome!
Here are pics of each tank...


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Your lighting on the 20H is fine and gives a solid medium high light. But with this lighting you should be using a liquid carbon or CO2 plus dry ferts so your plants get all the macro and micro nutrients they need. Crypts and Swords need root tabs as they are heavy feeders. The red plant looks to be Alternanthera reineckii.

Can you get a close up of the 10g, specifically a close up of the blue-green algae which my guess is actually cyanobacteria. If it is cyano you will need to treat your tank for 5 days with Erythromycin.
I do have API leaf zone plant food and API CO2 booster... although I have not used them regularly.

In the 10g the blue/green "stuff" is not slimy and is growing over everything. I'll see if I can get a close up pic tonight.
I do have API leaf zone plant food and API CO2 booster... although I have not used them regularly.

In the 10g the blue/green "stuff" is not slimy and is growing over everything. I'll see if I can get a close up pic tonight.

I just treated my tank for cyano with erythromycin for 5 days. Even after the fifth day whatever was still present died out as well (thanks Janis). If possible remove as much as you can prior to treatment. I found that a siphon was handy in vacuuming out most of it.
Another alternative that I've had luck with is a blackout. Just covered the tank with a black bag for 3 days and bga is gone. Has worked well the few times I've done it. Triple sulfa worked as well with no noticeable impact on biofilter. On a side note, I tested penicillin on bga and it did nothing and caused a trademark biofilter-wiped bacteria bloom.
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