Planting Elatine triandra

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2006
St Petersburg FL
OK, I know this has been covered before, but I just can't seem to get the stuff to stay in the substrate (which is Eco complete). I have long runners with lots of leaves and lots of little roots; short of burying the whole thing (which I've tried, and the cories and plecos move the substrate around and it floats up), how the heck do I get this stuff to stay down long enough to grow into the substrate???
Basically you need to cut it up into small pieces with either a pair of leaves and roots, or two pairs of leaves. Plant the roots for the ones that have roots and the bottom set of leaves for the ones that don't.

Then you need to give your Plecos and Cories a stern talking to and remind them that the future carpet is for their benefit and that they should leave it alone so it can grow in. You'll need to stubbornly replant anything that they accindently uproot. If this doesn't work, you may need to remove them to another tank temporarily until the Elatine Triandra has had a chance to get established.
I had to take my loaches out of my tank for both Glosso and HC. They kept digging it up. The plants need to be undisturbed for a while so they can catch. It took about 2 weeks in my tanks. Once the plants get established they are pretty tough.
Another thing I did is took them in groups of 3 plantlets, and pushed the roots of 2 of them and completely bury the 3rd plant. This will serve as an anchor and will die off, but it will give the other 2 time to get rooted. Worked pretty well.

Also, I never knew that it flowered, lol. I saw in another forum where it flowers and spreads out small seed, which then you'll get lots of little plantlets coming up. Pretty cool. Hope to see mine flower, lol. They say the flowers are extremely small too.
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