Plants for ponds

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 25, 2011
I have recently set up a 100 gallon pond and was wondering what is the easiest and/or fastest growing plant for my pond? I live in south Dakota so I would prefer if it went dormant in the winter thanks!
Plants for Ponds

This is a list of Pond Plants:
1.Planktonic Algae 2.Filamentous Algae
3.Spiny naiad
4.Southern naiad
5.Eurasian watermilfoil
6.Floating-leaf pondweed
9.Purple loosestrife
Most aquatic plants provide benefits to the pond owner if abundance does not become excessive. The right amount of plants to have and the right composition is up to the pond owner, with his/her primary goals for the pond playing a key role. Pond owners should realize the value of aquatic plants and develop a strategy to promote aquatic plant abundances to levels beneficial for the intended uses.
Planktonic algae are critical to a ponds fish life and must be present for newly hatched fish to survive. In moderation, submerged and emergent plants provide valuable fish and wildlife benefits. Filamentous algae, duckweed, and watermeal provide few benefits and, in general, should be controlled in most ponds. These problematic species are the result of excessive nutrients, so nutrient reductions will often reduce the problem.
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