Platy fry - how to care for them?

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Steo the great

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 26, 2011
I I recently found a platy fry in my filters when I was cleaning them out.
Has any body got advice on how to care for this fish

I have it in a breeding tank and I'm currently just feeding it crushed flake food but doesn't seem to be eatin much.
They will. I grind mine up real small and they will pick at it but you need to dip it in the water when it's between your fingers. You can also buy liquid food
Nice to see some good fishkeepers instead of some people killing living things...!

Hope it grows to its full size and good luck :)
I Only have one of them also lol. So hopefully he does grow I never even realised that mother was pregnant lol.
I have liquifry food but it's for my cichlids

Thanks for the help though :)
Fishy Aston said:

Hey. He looks good at the moment. I'm now feeding him/her tabimins all mashed up into dust and he seems to be eating that so that's a good sign I guess.
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