Platy Problem

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 29, 2005
New York
I currently own 5 platys, 1 angelfish, 2 Yo Yo Botias, and a pleco. They all live in a in my 29g tank with live plants.(Amazon Swords, Java Ferns.)
The problem is one of my platys. I have had her for about 9 months. Recently I have noticed white spots on her stomach and at the base of her dorsal fin. She is not eating and her fins appear to be torn in several places.
I've added MelaFix but I'm still not sure what it is.
Please Help!
white they look like salt? If the white spots look sprinkled on then it's probably ick. Or does she look like she has greyish/white patchy areas?
I've had the same problem with some of my platys. It seems like the affected area swells first, then the scales fall out. I don't know if these could be skin eruptions of parasites or tb or... The melafix is a good idea because they will be weaker to infection. QT is your best bet, unless anyone else has better info.
Are you keeping the platy in hard, brackish water?
Most pet stores don't bother to, but you really ought to if you want the fish to thrive. Your platy may be weakening because of stress from prolonged exposure to improper water conditions. I see from your post that you have loaches with them. I don't think they can survive in a brackish tank.
Are you keeping the platy in hard, brackish water?
Most pet stores don't bother to, but you really ought to if you want the fish to thrive.

Most livebearers, especially platies and mollies, are bred in freshwater condition. True, in their natural habitats they are living in more brackish conditions...but I don't think that this is your problem now. Sounds like a bacterial infection of the skin to me. If the melafix doesn't work, you can try any other broad spectrum antibiotic.

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