Platy with flat thin stomach!! Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 23, 2014
I am concerned about one of my platys
A little background, I have three platys in a 10 gallon tank. The sick looking fish is a baby that has grown up in the tank from the starting 2 parents.

I've notice the one platy has started to look thin, getting a flat sunken stomach.
No unusual swimming or hiding,
No unusual eating
Just a physical change

None of the other fish in the tank are sick or have these unusual symptoms.

My water is testing, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 20 nitrate, ph 8.0.

Recent water change yesterday

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If you got the parents at the same time from the same place, it is most likely incest as the parents are siblings so the baby is deformed. I've had this problem with all of my livebearers. They would seem to be doing okay at one point but they can become deformed. When mine have been like this they don't usually live long. Some of them do last for a while but they're not healthy. Sorry to say it :(
This is a good possibility!
I was not try to breed them but of course it happened. : /

I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a parasite or something.

Thank you! :)
I suggest nextime you get fish that breed easily, get all females. Males sometimes squabble. If you decide you want to breed them get the males from one store & the females from another. Just a head's up! ^_^
I would suggest the fish has a problem with one or more internal organs. If the rest of the fish are healthy and you haven't added any new fish recently, then it is unlikely to be internal parasites or bacteria.

If it was a genetic deformity, then it would have shown at an early age. Also, if the parent fish came from a lFS rather than a local breeder, then it will have been part of a large shipment of fish of the same variety/colour bred in large numbers, probably in Asia, so the chance of them being related is actually quite slim.
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