cacica said:
here's a pic (if it works)
Oh wow she is enormous.
I raise platties so I'll give you my experience.
Have you researched platties at all? They certainly eat veggies in the wild and I think veggies are very important in the aquarium. Mine love zucchini. I blanch it, let it cool, and then stick a fork through it to help it sink. They love it. Deshelled peas, lettuce...
My platties have never looked THAT big when giving birth. So as I said before, they may not be pregnant. There are so many factors that can make a fish swell like that.
My first concern is water quality. Test for everything and do water changes if the water quality is not perfect.
2nd is bloodworms. Particularly freezedried. The thing about freezedried is that they absorb water in the gut and expand, which causes bloating (research bloating). And since they are very fatty they also cause constipation. You really need to give fish fiber, like deshelled peas, if you feed freezedried bloodworms. I have a whole container of freezedried bloodworms that is almost new- i stopped feeding them to my fish after I noticed them getting bloated and swelling, not pooping well, and just not doing well in general. I won't use freezedried again.
So after checking on water quality, i would stop using bloodworms and offer veggies to your fish daily and see if that helps.
It could also be a parasite that is making your fish swell. Are they acting normally? How is their poop?
As far as fry goes, they usually drop 5-10 or more per drop. Mine drop once and then drop again 4 weeks later, continuously. The reason you are seeing one fry is probably because they, or the other fish in the tank, ate them. Yes, they love fry. If you offer lots of hiding spots in your tank where adult fish can't reach the fry, you will probably have a few survivors.