Please tell me I'm not alone..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Well, Today could really be it. I am about done I have never been this upset about anything I am just done unless this is normal. I told you I had my 2 clowns in QT with my flame angel (my first fish lived through 2 bouts of tank ich and was just the coolest fish ever) Something happend yesterday in my house. The fuse on the one side of my house blew (damn old house) well anyway when I came home my water in my qt was literally ice water. The fish were flipping out looking close to death. Well me in my infinate wisdom since they were only in qt as a precaussion never really showed signs of the ich that took my PBT and mandarine goby in the last 7 days decided that these lathargic little floating ice cubes needed to get back into the warm display tank fast. The one clown had a spot or 2 but haven't seen anything since he left the main tank a week ago. Well back in everyone went did a fast drip to help adjust to the temp. My flame angel promptly swims into a powerhead. Ahhhhhhh grab main plug to unplug and she immediatly is free swims right into my HUGE Green carpet anonome who just folds up and under a rock in about .2 seconds... So I start pulling rocks apart get down and pull my little flame out of her and she is stiff as a board so I do the little rock back and forth thing. She starts to come too a bit and starts breathing agian and trying to flap her little fins.. Mean while the clowns are down tending to the evil anonome. Well I rocked that fish for literally an hour and a half and it was just not to be. She would start trying to swim I would let her go she would sink like a rock I would pick her back up rock her etc... Well I have been with my wife for living with and married for about 8yrs. That was the first time she ever has seen me cry (at 6'6 240 I am the ultimate guys guy and I just dont' do it)..(yeah I love my fish way more than I let on) That was the hardest thing I have ever done. It was not just this fish but the whole build up of 10 days ago having 5 fish now down to 2 clowns who are doing great..My corals are taking off at an unreal rate .. But I am just so discusted with my tank right now I can't even look at it... (I did this morning and the anonome is fine so are the clowns) Am I alone or does anyone else have bad stretches like I am going through or should I just hang it up and do a coral tank..... anyway I just need to vent really didn't sleep well just kept thinking about it...still am.. To my fish Chloe..I am sorry I tried... I really did... I am sorry.

so sorry you did your best... we went on a little vacation last oct while we were gone had record hi temps and a power outage 4 or 5 day get away cost me hundreds in fish and corals now i am afraid to go away again :| i know how hard it is i think my 6 year old handled it better than i did go figure some how it is very easy to get attached to our charges so most on the board will understand how you feel.
The only reason to give up would be if this incident didn't effect you that way! The love and care we give these creatures is the only saving grace that should allow us to have them in this unnatural environment. I would say that you are incredible for trying as hard as you did and never give up until you stop caring so much. And remember, if you did not love it so much it would not hurt so bad, but the joy will out live the pain. Chin up, and look forward to the next beautiful little one you will be blessed to look after.
That really sucks... I'm sorry for your loss.

I think everyone in this hobby has had (or will have) one of those really frustrating moments where you just think it would be easier to break the tank down and forget about it. But the rewards and fun of this hobby far outweigh the frustrations.

Don't give up! Things will get better... :)
I agree with everyone on this. I'm watching my favorite fish die right now for reasons I can't explain. No visible problems, but he's still going down. He's the pride of my tank, and it hurts something aweful to see him go, so I feel your pain. Also, back when I was setting up the tank at first I had a problem for three months that I couldn't figure out. In those three months I killed more fish than I am willing to admit to and the frustration was so terrible, I almost quit. I'm surprised I didn't, because at that point I hadn't seen how great this hobby can be.

You can quit, of course, but based on what you're saying now, I'd put my money on you regretting it later one. We all get through these things. :(

(BTW - What is "rocking" your fish?)
I was told that if you find your fish on the ground etc.. and it is not looking well that if you stick it back in the water and rock it gently back and forth to get water in and out of thier gills it is like fish cpr. I have to say she went from stiff as a board to at least breathing on her own and flapping her fins by herself to no avial albiet briefly. So apparently there is something to it.

I feel for you dude. You can rest assured you did everything you could. I am also sorry for your loss. :cry:
When I went through the velvet battle, fish were dropping like flies. I blamed myself for my ignorance and highly considered quitting. But I hung in there stuck with my treatment plan and everthing is fine now.
My message is stick to your plan and when its over you can stand back and look at the little world you created and smile.
I know this seems miles away right now, but you can do it. :wink:
Doan, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! You did try your best. Don't give up! Just give it some time. Enjoy your clowns for the moment.
Thanks again guys I am not gonna quit ... I just really didn't expect this many problems to come in such quick succession. I am just gonna lay off my fish for a while and focus on my corals which are doing great and let my clowns do thier clown thing.

Doan said:
I was told that if you find your fish on the ground etc.. and it is not looking well that if you stick it back in the water and rock it gently back and forth to get water in and out of thier gills it is like fish cpr. I have to say she went from stiff as a board to at least breathing on her own and flapping her fins by herself to no avial albiet briefly. So apparently there is something to it.


This works very well. I saved a finless kenyi this way. I recomend it for anything that's safe to touch. I wouldn't try it with a Lion though.

Buck up Doan, try again. you did all you could.
I cried when my firefish decided to go carpet surfing, he was such a cool fish I always cry whenever I lose a fish it just so stressful and painful seing them go :(
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