Pleco and Cory Breeding Project

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 28, 2011
San antonio, texas
I have had my bristle-nose plecos and panda cories for a long time now and I love them! I have always wanted to breed them but always thought it would be to hard but now I want to try. This thread will be used to figure out the perfect setup for the fish.

I have an empty 10 gallon for this project. I know that cories like sand better than gravel so that will be the substrate. I also heard that both species do better with dim light so I will put some egg crate over the top to try and cut that down. That is all I know so far and I will keep researching but I would appreciate any tips you may have.
They are all in a 55 gallon community tank. There are 5 panda cories and my male pleco is brown and the female is a long finned albino.
I just set up the tank. I'm trying to make it just like in the wild. I read that they live in areas that are sandy and with few plants.

Substrate: sand with gravel

Plants: crypt.

Decorations: rocks and driftwood

I also put some plant containers upside down in the sand for shelter for the fry. I just put in my two plecos and see how it goes tonight to see when I should add the pandas.

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Sorry but it is still cloudy
This should be a good setup. All the advice I can really give about breeding is to make sure you have a place for all the fry to grow up and live. And not to get discouraged
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