Pooping Guts!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 8, 2008
Santa Cruz, CA
Its deffinatley not poop, it belongs on the inside of the fish (young mono argentus)
any idea on how this may have happened/caused/remedies for this?
Ive never seen a fish do this.
Reptiles yes fish....nope!
Do you have a picture of the fish? If its belly is burst open then I would recommend you euthanize the fish. It will not survive with a wound like that. My first thoughts would be some type of internal parasite. If the parasites/flukes/anchor worms/etc made the belly burst you would be able to see them with the naked eye if you do an autopsy. That may be the only way to know for sure.

It sounds rough but I have been through it all myself before. Its not fun but its the best for the fish. Good luck and keep us posted!
Started with 7 now down to three. They sure are sensitive little guys. Think I should worry about internal parasites? I just went through an ick treatment (salt heat method) Ive never had so many fish problems. That is the last time I get fish shipped to me. I'll let the LFS deal with this and I'll snag the healthy ones. I sure wish I hadnt lost the three origional ones in the move. Funny how I ended up with three again though! Im a fan of odd numbers anyways. After I lost number five I thought "oh no, Four?!" haha.
Autopsy shows no signs of parasites. Though I cant say for sure I know what Im Looking for. Maybe I lowered the salinity too fast after Ick treatment?
Sorry to hear about your loss. It is hard to tell what is going on. You might not be able to see the parasites/worms clearly with the naked eye, although you should if you know what to look for. Under a magnifying glass it is really easy to tell. You can google fish parasites and will find a boatload of resources. I personally really like this site:

CIR716/FA041: Introduction to Freshwater Fish Parasites

Again, sorry to hear about your loss! Best wishes!
Thank you for your help. I would assume that if they had parasites they would have a little bit of a distended belly. Monos are very slender silver fish and show anything that goes into them or is in them. Ill check out the site. THANKS!!!
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