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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 5, 2007
Canton, MI
I have a koran angel with popeye... and online I read about medications that would help. So I went to the lfs and they suggested to me epsom salt (1tbs/10gal.)

Anyone have success with this method of treatment? If so, how often did you re-dose?
Those links portray the typical treatment methods of which I've read about (either it will go away on its own with high quality water, or quarrintine + medication)

I have yet to hear anywhere about epsom salt working to cure popeye, but I have clean water (0 everything except nitrate =<20ppm) and I'm pretty sure the fish was not 100% healthy from the store. His eyes were the least cloudy at the store, but once i got him home and was able to compare his eyes to the other's eyes it was obvious his were cloudy. I'm trying the epsom salt at 1tbs/10gal once a day unless someone else advises otherwise.

If nothing changes in 2 or 3 days, hes gettin quarintined.
What I dont understand is if those links portray the typical why are you going with the unknown. I dont know about epsom salt and maybe it will work but it will have to come by more than just word of mouth from one person. IMO I would rather try the proven than the unproven. I hope all goes well.
epsom salt: $1.50

medications: $10-20 (meds)
$50 (quarintine tank)
$50 (small filter)
$8 (synth salt to make up for water put in hospital tank)

I know I should have that stuff already but funds are tight right now and I would really like to stop pouring money into my tank at least for a few days.

I trust the guys at my store, they generally know what theyre talkin about. I was really just looking for another opinion about it, and maybe something as far as expected results.

I did a little research on the net and found some others that also used epsom salt, I guess the couple places I looked didnt mention it, but it is out there.
If you found some could you post the links. I would be very interested in studying them for future references.
I agree with mel, you might also want to get those nitrAtes below 20, around 10 or lower is a decent number.

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