Porc Chop's Tank

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Depends how long he treated her for it he might have taken care of it already. The feeding may take a little time but go to your supermarket and buy a little neck clam and open in and put it in the tank and see what happens they can't resist them. If you can't get a small one just pull some.of the meat out but keep it on the shell. And get whole krill not the cubed kind mine won't touch that stuff

Thank you so much! He treated her for 2 weeks, I hope he got rid of em :) she seems skinny to me, I will try the clams :D thanks again!!!
Some news . The emperor angel has a blue tint showing up between his yellow lines. Still not enough to get a pic of it yet. I am also awaiting the delivery of a jabeo wp40 wavemaker. I will be testing one out before I get a second. Oh yea I set up the qt and ordered 2 fish that will be getting shipped tomorrow for Saturday pickup. Unfortunately I won't be showing them off until they are in the dt.
Update. I did receive my new fish Saturday. Unfortunately I woke up too find one dead Sunday morning :( but I will be getting credit and another once they come back in stock. I ordered from a place called nyaquatic.com . The gave the warranty without any bit of hassle which is great. Their packing was awesome and both fish were very lively right out of the box. I would definitely order from them again . Still waiting on the wavemaker though .
The qt was hit with some fast killing disease. Pretty sure it was velvet but I cant say for sure. It will be a while before I get some more fish .
Some pics.







Lol thanks . After these guys are out of qt I will get a pair of clowns and a desjardini tang . Then I will finally be stocked .... It only took about a year and a half lol .
Lol thanks . After these guys are out of qt I will get a pair of clowns and a desjardini tang . Then I will finally be stocked .... It only took about a year and a half lol .

No tank is complete without Clowns! What kind are you thinking of? I plan on getting a pair also, for my upcoming FOWLR build.
I really want snowflake clowns but there is no way I'm paying that much. Probably some tank bred occelaris or percula.
I really want snowflake clowns but there is no way I'm paying that much. Probably some tank bred occelaris or percula.

I am a fan of Snowflakes also. Unfortunately, their price tag is, indeed, pretty high. :(

However, the Clownfish you mentioned are great also. They still have fantastic color and are fun to watch, while still maintaining a good price.
I really want snowflake clowns but there is no way I'm paying that much. Probably some tank bred occelaris or percula.

+1, I wanted snowflakes too till my LFS slapped me with the price tag! I settled on Clarkii's. they are very cool & have a different look. I am planning to do black clowns in my predator tank :)
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