Post your planted tanks!

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33 long shrimp tank

36 hex von rio tetra

40 breeder GBR

55g bolivian rams


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You must stay busy! May I ask what your favorite plant lighting is? I've been looking into some different options and am not sure how I feel yet, I have a Sun-Glo and Power-Glo for the 20L but LEDs in my other tanks...
Thanks :)

It does keep me busy but I love it. I call it my fin therapy.

I actually prefer the Coralife compact florescent lights. I haven't made the move to LEDS. Not all of my tanks have the Coralifes though. Some have just plain T8 daylight 6500k tube bulbs from Walmart or the screw shaped CFLs in 6500k daylight from Walmart. It just depends on the fixture.
Awesome thank you! I call my tanks my therapy tanks too, the water absorbs all of my troubles. I have had mixed results with LED's and my plants, so far I like the Glo's...but have been looking at Coralife bulbs too, everyone seems to recommend them. The T8 lighting really brings out my fish' color diversity which I love!
You're welcome.

I got my first Coralife when I got one of my tanks on craigslist, and I've been hooked ever since :)

My african tank, not shown here, runs 4 T8 bulbs, 3 are 6500k daylights and 1 is a regular plant/aquarium bulb, 48 inches. I did that specifically to show off their coloring and since it's only planted with java fern, they aren't as demanding.
My tank

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Hey thanks janes. It's nice to share my hobby. It's been 1yr into the hobby I'm loving every moment .
It is more fun when you can share I agree :) I'm new as well and it has become my complete source of therapy!!
Hey guys I planted my tank but the pleco is eating the plants, any advice?
Providing a vegetation food source such as zucchini might curtail this. Also providing driftwood helps (something to do with their digestion).

I use zucchini, driftwood and algae wafers, all my pleco loveeeee them and never touch my plants
Thanks for that. I've no zucchini at the moment. But I'll get some. And I'll get algae wafers too. Drift wood? It bogwood, he sucks the big wood a lot. I was thinking about finding him a new home
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