Potential fin rot? please help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 5, 2009
Hi, I have a blue african cichlid who is breathing heavily toward the bottom of the tank and not moving, though I can see he is alive. He appears to have some red discoloration on his fin. Is this fin rot or some other disease? Could it be contagious? Please see the attached picture. Any help would be much appreciated.

This is a 55gal tank with approx 15 african cichilids. Nitrite and ammonia are zero. Nitrate is approx 15ppm. I'm going to do a 30-40% water change now but don't know if there is any help for this fish. Please help!


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Not sure what it is, fin rot is usually black.
How often do you do a pwc? Is there another fish in there that might be nipping him?
Hmm i didnt see that Darby im not sure what it is then maybe he is getting nipped and is bleeding again keep the water clean to keep actual fin rot and Infection at bay
Fin rot is only black when it starts to heal ... <At least in goldies.> At the beginning of finrot, the area is inflamed & can look red. There can also be red veins visible in the fins. This usually indicate some sort of bacterial infection in the fin. Most common cause of this is poor water conditions causing stress & an opportunistic infection .... clean water is the first (and most important) step in treatment.
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