Potted Plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 6, 2011
These potted plants are in the sand but, part of them are above the sand and it looks like they are thrown in there.
First time with planting.
Here are pics


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they should be removed from the pots. i can't tell what you have although the center one looks like Anubias. If it is, it needs to be planted with the rhizome above the substrate.
I took them out of the plastic holders
one of them is anubias
this is the list
3 Wisteria
2 Diandra
6 Camcomba
1 Amazon Sword
1 Anubias Barteri
2 Red Wendtii
2 Dwarf Saggitaria
2 Micro Swod
8 Contotional Val

what is rhizome
Remove the pots and the "wool". Gently separate out the roots. Trim roots if needed. Plant Anubias or Ferns on rocks or wood, I tie them with cotton thread. Or plant small roots ONLY and keep rhizome ( thick horizontal ) above ground or plant will die. I add root tabs if I have plain sand.

Plants may need to acclimate. Some leaves may die. Don't freak. They should bounce back with proper lighting and plant food.

http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Plant, Anubias.htm
what is rhizome
I will be co2 in about a week and have aquion plant food dosing weekly
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