Power Outage

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 11, 2003
oregon, usa
It has been snowing on and off in my area with threats of freezing rains. If we have freezing rains I am worried about the power going out. I found a webpage about it awhile ago, that said that if you put hydrogen peroxide in the tank it will saturate it with air for 3 to 4 hours. Also that you should put a big blanket over the tank.

I want to know if anyone has had a tank and what they did when the power went out.

Also if anyone knows how cold tropical fish can get before they will die... I am sure it is different for most, but I am talking survival. And if it was a slow temp change.

I hope I can read your answers before I need them! lol thanks!
Some folks get a battery operated aerator; check your lfs to see if they carry em. Others buy the fishtank version of a powerback-up (like the ones you see for computers).

When we lost power here over the summer, I grabbed a large (1 qt) measuring cup, and pour tank water in and out of my tanks for 5 mins or so every hour making sure it splashed a lot. I also was sure to pour some over the filter media and biowheel so they didn't dry out. As long as the temp change is slow, and the tank water doesn't get REALLY cold, your fish should be fine.
You're not alone bada. Many people share this particuliar paranoia. It was a December noreaster that pushed me out of this hobby for years. I was breeding severums and had a few grow out tanks when the storm hit. It was over for my poor fishies before the power came on 5 days later. :x
When we had power out for 6 days during the hurricane, my main concern was water movement, which, like Allivymar mentioned, is accomplished manually (some people use those crank-handle egg beaters!) but your main problem will be temperature. Depending on what kind of fish you have, the temperature drop can be devastating. How do you plan on keeping yourself warm during a power outage? If you have kerosene heaters they can often keep a room toasty warm, and with the use of blankets around your tank(s) as soon as the power goes out you can keep things relatively warm.

You can get those chemical hand warmer packets at K-mart or somewhere like that in the hunting/camping department and float one of those in a container in the water, just be sure the packet does not come in contact with your tank water itself.

We tend to get ice storms in the winter, which usually takes the power out, so it is a major concern for me as well! Good luck!
Check out our DIY forum for some homemade battery devices if you fear a long outage. Depending on how stocked your tank and what kind of fish you have how the tank fairs in a short outage 1-4 hours can vary. The more fish the less total available o2 per fish. Swishing your hand thru the water every 15min or so will help oxygenate the air some if you cant get a battery powered airpump.
Last winter we lost power in our dorms during a bad storm. My friend had rams that were pretty touchy. I came up with the idea of using some of those disposable arthritis/sports patches that you stick on to your body and they warm up when exposed to air. We put a few on the outside of her tank and just changed them when they got cold. The therma care patches work the best bc they don't smell all chemically and nasty and they last 8 hours. We had no power for 2 days but because of the patches the fish stayed warm. All rams survived and have multplied.
Those battery operated airators can be found in your local superstores fishing department, or at a bait shop.

Their used to keep your bait alive until you get out to your spot and start fishing.
screaminbuckeye said:
Last winter we lost power in our dorms during a bad storm. My friend had rams that were pretty touchy. I came up with the idea of using some of those disposable arthritis/sports patches that you stick on to your body and they warm up when exposed to air. We put a few on the outside of her tank and just changed them when they got cold. The therma care patches work the best bc they don't smell all chemically and nasty and they last 8 hours. We had no power for 2 days but because of the patches the fish stayed warm. All rams survived and have multplied.

Genius, lol.

Bada, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm north of you in Seattle. Most of my family is in the Salem/Portland area. We haven't lost power during these snowfalls, which surprises me because we usually see a lot of downed trees and tree limbs. I have lost power in the past though and you'd be surprised how well water maintains it's temp compared to the air. Covering the windows with blankets will make a HUGE difference in how warm your home stays. And covering your tanks will help even more.
bada, check out this thread, because my fish survived a power outage awhile back:
People posted a lot of good info for future reference.

I'm in the Seattle suburbs and it's cold and windy now. My husband didn't go to work because that huge hill to Redmond was too risky. We are also crossing our fingers that we don't have another power outage. My in-laws live in Portland and apparently you guys are getting some freezing rain later today 8O

Good luck. Stay warm!
Wow thank you all for all your ideas! My bf and I have been joking about little generators. (not thinking we would need one so soon!). He has oscars, so that was our big concern, the temp drop. I have a space blanket for my tank. He is thinking he could put a sleeping bag/blankets over his tanks. I am really interested in the hand warmer idea! My parents have a box of like 500 because my brother plays soccer. I wish I would have thought about that before, could have taken some from them. lol But I do have a few therma care packs. So if it gets to that I should be ok. At my bfs house he has a battery space heater and all of his tanks are in a small room.

I liked all of your ideas for airation much better then the one I read about. I much rather move the water myself then add something. I only have 3 fish in a 29g tank, so I think if I just try some of your ideas they will be fine. I am just glad that I am home with them!

I lost the internet for a little while today, but everything else has been fine. Outside right now it is 20 degrees with about 4 inches of snow and it is raining sleet. We should be getting freezing rain tonite. yay... I just hope I don't have to use any of your ideas soon! But I feel more confident about it now! :)
We got some nice snow in Issaquah WA today but it turned to rain a couple of hours ago. I'm sure things will be nice and icy....
ok the snow is still here. We have had freezing rain on and off today. I went to get my mail and fell 4 times. It was so slick. But it has warmed up to 31 degrees. It is funny, PGE (portland general electric) sent me a letter saying that in 5 days they are shutting off my power! I don't get why, cause I sent them payment in dec. So in 5 days if I don't make a payment I will have no power. So I tried going on the net to make a payment and it wouldn't go through. So I tried to call in, cause I can't drive to drop it off cause of the ice, but they are only taking down power and to call back tomorrow. If I don't talk to them soon I will have down power! I think it is funny. I little scary. But a bit amusing!
There is not a small bit of irony in your situation 8O

I hope they don't shut the power off at a crucial time when you are worried about it being shut off from natural causes, but hey, you are prepared, now!

I guess you will have to slip and slide your way down to the local Internet Cafe and update us!
I went to the webpage and paid them. So hopefully it will go through and they will leave me alone. They say if you pay after hours that it will take 2 days to process. So I will call them tomorrow and check. I have all the luck in the world! :roll:
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