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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 4, 2013
Is a powerhead benificial in a 75 gallon tank ? If so what brand and size ?
Powerheads help with water circulation . I run one in my 125g for my african cichlids they love to swim in the current its funny to watch ..the brand is all on personal preference its like a filter though the better the gph the better the powerhead
I run two small circulation pumps in my 72 and once I finally figured out the best direction to aim them they're doing wonders not letting poop settle on bottom. Both are 500 gph aqueons. Had been using single 950 gph and that was too much current
Power head would only be a benefit like kjack says its fun to.watch the fish swim in the current I have one in my 90 gal works well to move poop and gets the surface movement
Powerheads are great for keeping detrious from settling down and helps filtration pick it up.
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