Pregnant platy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 11, 2013
If you look at the attached pictures, my platy is starting to look quite large. She doesn't really seem to have a gravid spot especially compared to my guppies, but I'm wondering how much longer you think she has? She is still pretty active so I was thinking a week or so. Any other opinions?


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She sure looks like she is going to pop any minute!!!! My platies have never changed their habits at all before delivery. As a matter of fact, I have several that still eat and swim around while giving birth! Do you know the last time she gave birth? That can help you figure out when she will deliver. Good luck! Platy babies are so cute! I have 12 myself! :)
I don't know when she last gave birth as I've only had her about a month. Here are some pics in the birthing cage. I just out her in there based on your last post.


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The only way to really be sure that she is about to deliver, is to know the last time she gave birth. I never put my pregnant platies is the birthing tank. It can cause them to abort. I just catch the little boogers after she is done!
The only way to really be sure that she is about to deliver, is to know the last time she gave birth. I never put my pregnant platies is the birthing tank. It can cause them to abort. I just catch the little boogers after she is done!

Hmm :/ my main concern is that I probably won't be around to notice when it happens and there are other fish in the tank that would eat the fry... Would you suggest maybe putting her in a 10 gallon birthing tank that I have set up instead of the little one? My main concern was the water change despite the 10 gallon being running. I could fill the 10 gallon with water from the main 60 gallon if that would be smarter.
There is a castle and small amounts of plastic plants...


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I was going to say that if you have a lot of plants, they will hide. I have that same castle!
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