Proper Way to clean 10g HOB?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2007
Hi i am just wondering what is the proper way to clean out the bio filtration on my HOB.


Thanks AA
If what you want to clean is the bio-bag you're holding on to. I just give my a good rinse/swish in tank water (not actually in the tank of course). I think that's the way most people do it. Sure saves on buying more!
What are they, $2-$3 each?

If it's a once-a-month thing I say shop for the best deal and buy a new one. Some fish stores wheel and deal. See if you can get a discount.

In a ten gallon tank watch out for a mini-cycle though.
I usually use mine until they fall apart. There is really no reason to keep changing them unless you have treated your tank for disease. When I change my water I rinse it off with the tank water and squeeze it out a couple of times and put it back in. I found if I change the bio bag the same time I do a water change I have more of a chance of a mini cycle especially on a tank that is newly establish usually under 6 months old. I don't use charcoal since I use fertilizers for my plants, some say that do use charcoal others say they don't, I think it is a personal preference.
I just bought a sheet of polyfiber that is unscented, no chemicals added, and then cut it to fit. I will use what I cut until it falls apart, rinsing it with water from my PWCs. I got sheet of it in a bag for like $6 and it will last me years and years.
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