Proposed stock idea.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 7, 2012
West Sussex
Right update on my stock list . This is what I would like to do

Pair of german blue rams
8 panda Cories
10 neon tetra or cardinal
8 cherry barb or 3 Denison barb

I know. , I know the water quality and stuff but I do 2 water changes a week and have a lot of spare time.
With a 30gal ... Go with the cherry barbs. Denison barbs get up to 6 inches and do best in a 4ft tank.
Thank you. Yeah I will try to get this tsnk , it's just £150 for the tank itself.
Thank you. Yeah I will try to get this tsnk , it's just £150 for the tank itself.

BTW ... The cories, rams and cardinal tetras should be fine. As n alternative to the cherry barbs ... Which I like ... You can do gold barbs instead if you want some yellow.
Diesn't matter ... I have both and like them equally. Similar temperament and grow up to about the same size. However, gold barbs I do believe tend to shoal better than cherries which can be more independent.
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