Puffer friends

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 27, 2013
I have a 10 gallon with 4 South American puffers and thought about putting in a frog. Would the puffers attack the frog or would the bio load from the frog be to much with the puffers.
10gal is way toooooooooooooooooo small for 1 of your puffers, let along 4 of them. also, it's best to put your puffers in a species only tank. meaning that there can be nothing other than puffers. the frog you want to get will most likely be eaten or outcompeted for food if you were to put it in the tank.
Yeah, 10 gallons seems pretty small. If I recall I think it's around 15 gallons per one. The frog would be a snack once they got hungry.
I believe South American Puffers are brackish fish once they mature too, right? If so, definitely don't want a frog in there. Bumblebee Gobies, scats, and monos are the only fish I usually hear about people keeping with their brackish puffers in the rare cases that they have tankmates.
South American puffers are full fresh stay that way for there entire life. 10 is to small for 4, although if there young at the time they should be fine. But as they grow older they will need a bigger tank, these guys like to swim and such new spaces. A frog will most likely become food for them.
Here is a care sheet for South American Puffers. The Puffer Forum • Colomesus asellus They are freshwater puffers and one of the few that can be kept in groups apparently. However, 15 gallons is the smallest tank recommended for them. Maybe you could up grade tanks in the near future? Hope the fact sheet helps. The site is a great one for puffer help.
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