Puffer or Lionfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 22, 2012
I've been wanting to start a single-fish aquarium in a 20 gallon Hexagon Tank. I can't decide between getting a lionfish or a pufferfish. I want a fish that will catch someone's attention, something that might be a little active. Any other suggestions would be great! Thanks!
There is no pufferfish that will fit a 20g hex. Not sure about lionfish.
Really you can't do either in that tank..they even have a smaller footprint then the 20h don't they? You would need like a 40 breeder for a dwarf lion and even bigger for most puffers that I know of
According to saltwaterfish.com and liveaquaria, the Fu Man Chu Lionfish and the Valentini Puffer can fit into tanks as small as 20g. Additionally there is the Toby Puffer that can go into 30gs.
Easton33 said:
According to saltwaterfish.com and liveaquaria, the Fu Man Chu Lionfish and the Valentini Puffer can fit into tanks as small as 20g. Additionally there is the Toby Puffer that can go into 30gs.

This is a hexagon also though which shouldn't be considered the same as a normal 20
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