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Steven A

Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2005
Well before I had a great time with my breeding pair of Sea Frog puffer-fish until they died. :( . I then purchased a male and female Sea Frog Pufferfish that are still small, but growing and they are doing great. Very active compared to my other ones :) . Any way I am really in to the whole thought of puffer-fish and am considering getting some more 8) . I have just had a look on a website that wa son some ones sig; and have found my self falling in love with The Red Eye puffer. (carinotetraodon lorteti).


If any one has any experience breeding these fish please reply as soon as possible. Also how much do you think that these fish cost?

Thank you

S.Askham :D
I also like the Arrowhead puffer as well :D.

Which species of freshwater puffer's will be the best to breed ?
I have the same experience with my lortetis, as the suggestions I gave you on the cutcutia. I had a female 1st. Then added 2 more females & a male. The 1st female killed the other 2 within 24 hours. After spawning w/the male 3x, she killed him too. Keep seperated until breeding time, then seperate again.

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