Quarantine tanks

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 11, 2011
Hello Aquarists. I'm currently setting up a 55 gal tall aquarium. I have a 11 healthy tetras and 6 corys in the tank and want to introduce more over time. The tank is a natural planted tank with no issues.
My question is about quarantining the new fish before introducing them into the DT. Since the QT is not use it is not cycled. How do I keep it cycled while it is not being used?
Two options- either keep your cycled filters from your qt tank running on your main tank(when its cycled) when they are not in use or continue dosing ammonia daily in your qt tank to 4ppm to keep the bacteria fed & happy. Hope this helps :)
Wow. Too simple. That is a good solution. Thank you
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