quartine tank question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2003
new york
I just set one up and i have a bala shark in there and im treating with melafix i put some gravel from my big tank but the meds say take out the carbon so i dont really have any bacteria in there other than the bit of gravel
the melafix says do a water change after a week
so im wondering if the bala will be ok
if the amonia will get to high
Its more important to keep the ammonia levels down. Do the changes (if needed) before adding more Melafix.
Can i ask why the bala is in QT, is it a fish from your other tank or is it a new addition.
I gather you are treating him for open wound or fin damage etc...

I am asking out of curiosity, not really for any main reason. Basically Allivymar will put you on the right road when it comes to your water.
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