Question about platy's

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 6, 2011
S it common for platy's to cruise near the top of the tank? My one female seems to enjoy doing it along with bumping into it's own reflection in the glass. All my levels are fine and none of my fish are showing signs of distress. Just wanted some feedback and if I'm doing alright
Ya it's funny watching them headbutt the glass continuously gently. But never having them before the wife got concerned. Other then that they seem fine and have no issues eating. I do not have salt in my tank as I'm unsure how my other fish will react to it. I've been told that's ok.
some fish can handle salt and others cant, which fish lie in those categories i couldnt tell ya.

and i have multiple fish that nudge the glass at their reflection, my betta was the worst haha
Mine do that too... BUT mine have an excuse. They're eating off the tiny layer of protein scum that forms at the top of my tanks from time to time (high light/high tech setup). It keeps them fat and sassy. Yours might be trying to do the same thing from instinct.
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