question on male mollies

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 19, 2008
We have 2 male mollies in my 20 gal, with 3 glofish the male mollies one is from my female molly 1st batch of fry hes about 5 months and the 2nd one my son got my daughter a male black salfin molly now fpr my question can 2 male mollys live together? They seem to at 1st like each other but the dalmation molly keeps going after it looks like the other mollys you know
is this something I should worry about? or are they trying to get to know each other?............Im nervous
Don't be nervous, all I can tell is that they are just chasing each other around, most of the time this is 2 things:

1. Male chases female around a lot.
2. Just being playful.

Just relax and don't worry about it, they should be fine.
but they both are boys, it looks like the dalmation molly is going after the point on the black molly........I dont know if they will be ok through the night, the only other tanks we have is the 55 gal but that has 3 female mollys and we have thew 10 gal but it has a male betta in it and thats no clue what to do im hoping they will you think maybe when the lights go off they will stop?....was wondering if maybe the black molly is pissed cause he was there 1st? We just added the dalmation molly about 1/2 hr ago, and gave the 10 gal to the betta the poor betta was in a 2.5 gal so now he has the 10 to his self we thought the mollys could all be together well the 2 males, lol
well both are alive this morn.....

but they still are doing the same thin not as much as last night but wondering if they are trying to prove whos the king of this tank??? do fish do that and if so do they stop or will one get hurt?
Does the tank have enough hiding spots for all the fish? I know my male guppies would harass each other relentlessly until I re-scaped my tank and added a ton of java moss for them to hide in. Also, breaking up their line of sight seemed to help. I added some plants in the large open area of my tank where all the guppies used to hang out, now they are all over the place.

I wouldn't worry too much about it like Ben said. After all, they are mollies and they are prolific little buggers. :)
they have lots of plants and a rock cave thing, but they are like glued to each other,,,here are a few pics of the tank and them


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Fish do establish a heirarchy similar to other animals.

They may be trying to show dominance. Typically, this will last until one of them gives up and stops challenging the other ones territory.

This COULD go until one dies. In most cases, and especially with mollies though, it will stop long before that. Keep in mind that fish school, and play around too. You may be witnessing this.

I wouldn't worry about it.

BTW, how do you know they are both males?
Fish do establish a heirarchy similar to other animals.

They may be trying to show dominance. Typically, this will last until one of them gives up and stops challenging the other ones territory.

This COULD go until one dies. In most cases, and especially with mollies though, it will stop long before that. Keep in mind that fish school, and play around too. You may be witnessing this.

I wouldn't worry about it.

BTW, how do you know they are both males?

they both have the point you know the black molly has a high dorsal fin, I have female mollys and I can see they are males;)
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