Question on Rams

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013
Would a pair of rams be okay in a standard 20 gallon tank? If yes would there be any room to have any tank mates at all? If yes what kind?

Thank you in advance. There is a person here selling a 20 gallon for $40 including stand. Rams are the only thing I am looking to do at the moment though so if it wont work for them I prolly wont get it.
I believe 20g is the minimum for a pair of German type rams... Bolivians get bigger than germans, so I think they need a bigger tank. As for other fish that can go with them, maybe a small school of neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, or some other small fish along those lines that can tolerate around 80*F
Oh sorry it would be 2 naturally paired German Blues.
1 pair of GBRs would be fine with a school of small dither fish in that size tank. I'd avoid Neons as they hang out lower in the water column and do not function very well as dithers... Dwarf rainbows (Dwarf Neon, Threadfin, etc), Cherry Barbs, or Rasboras are better options.

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