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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 17, 2007
My glass fish has some white spots on it. My other fish don't have them. They look kinda fuzzy and they are white. I am not sure what to do or what it is. I have been putting aqua salt in there. If I could get a good picture I would. But he keeps moving. Please let me know any ideas.
I would put the sick fish in a quarantine tank and start to raise the temperature to 88 degrees. You may also want to dose either Maracyn or Maracyn-Two (or both) for a bacterial/fungal infection.
Yeah its ICH. I had to work today so my wife went to the lfs and bought some meds for ich. She took out the pleco and the snails and put them in my small 10 gallon. So they don't die from the meds. So I hope I can get rid of it.
You will probably have to change nearly all of the water in the tank that you are medicating before you add the pleco and snails back in. I am not sure what you are using so I can't tell you for certain or not.
How long should it take for the spots to come off of the fish? Only my glass fish has any spots is that normal? I have treated the tank twice with kordon Rid Ich+. Could it be something else?
Ich has a fairly long cycle (ie, more than a couple of days). Usually one fish will show spots, then the others follow soon after because it is in the water before the spots show. Many people on here swear by the heat method. Raise the temp to about 87-88 degrees over the course of several days and leave the temp there until about 2 weeks AFTER you've seen the last spot, to ensure that your tank is rid of it.

I know others will chime in here with more suggestions...
You will need to treat the fish that came out of the tank as well. Ich has a habit of infecting fish long before any visible signs are displayed. Heat works very well because it will speed up the life cycle of the ich. Meds are only good during the free swimming stage and will not do anything to those that are encrusted (either in your fish or on the bottom).
OK well I am going to try the heat method. Hopefully it works. My poor fish :(
Well I came home from work tonight and my glass fish that I had put in my other tank was dead. :(
sorry for your loss. You should go ahead and treat anything else that was in the tank when it started exhibiting symptoms, as it's likely they're also infected and just not showing yet. I also recommend the heat method as described above.
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