Quick platy help

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Well it could be a number of things, like swim bladder issue? When was your last water change and did you remember the water conditioner? Any new tank decor? Sounds like a rapid water change i.e like a Ph drop or spike. Perhaps a foreign substance do any painting or aerosols?

that is high nitrate! Please do a water change. at least 50.
I mixed up the nitrite and nitrate the last water change was Tuesday 25% no new decor and sadly my Platy passed away this morning

I'm sorry, Hey I know this might sound a little heartless. But Petsmart is running a sale on platies right now. I'd do a large water change to flush out whatever cause your last platys demise and start again.
:( I had the same thing happen to a glow fish. Found out too late that we could have treated the tam, with fungus medication and would have probably saved him. Sorry about your platty.

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