Quick questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 11, 2008
alright so i recently purchased this Aqueon AIO 5 Gallon tank

i want to know:
how many fish i will be able to put in the tank
where i can find the basics of freshwater tanks
is there anything you would mod with the tank or is it plug in and play
and anything else you would like to inform me with.
this is not my first time with a freshwater tank but basically my last freshwater tank (about 4 years ago) i never did any water changes or anything like that and my fish were perfectly fine. so is it that easy?
i never did any water changes or anything like that and my fish were perfectly fine. so is it that easy?

I'm confused....you NEVER did any water changes? And, your fish lived for how long? Weekly maintenance is usually highly recommended. :confused:
First you'll want to cycle the tank. You can follow this method:


You will not be able to put that many fish into the 5g tank, maybe a betta and 3 cory catfish. If it the setup you got was a kit it will more than likely come with everything you need to get it up and running. You will need a filter, heater, lights, and a hood (to cover tank so fish can't jump out).

You will also need some substrate (gravel or sand), some decor, and plants. You can go with live plants or fake plants, its up to you.

Once you get your tank cycled post another message about what types of fish you are interested in keeping and others will let you know how many of each you can add. Hope it helps, good luck!
I'm confused....you NEVER did any water changes? And, your fish lived for how long? Weekly maintenance is usually highly recommended. :confused:
i would say the fish lived for 3+ years. i never did any testing, water changes, or add any chemicals lol i just did top offs when the water would get low =P
First you'll want to cycle the tank. You can follow this method:


You will not be able to put that many fish into the 5g tank, maybe a betta and 3 cory catfish. If it the setup you got was a kit it will more than likely come with everything you need to get it up and running. You will need a filter, heater, lights, and a hood (to cover tank so fish can't jump out).

You will also need some substrate (gravel or sand), some decor, and plants. You can go with live plants or fake plants, its up to you.

Once you get your tank cycled post another message about what types of fish you are interested in keeping and others will let you know how many of each you can add. Hope it helps, good luck!

i am done with the cycling, i am adding gravel (small rocks, not the colored ones), an yes the setup is a kit. i am interested in putting as many fish as possible, school fish are good, shark types, colorful and basically anything that is hardy and easy to maintain. no bettas.

i am also wondering if i put a real plant in the tank would it survive with my light. i believe its a 15 watt bulb. what would be a hardy type of plant and what kind of maintenance would be needed to care for a plant?
If you went with a school of fish that would pretty much fill up your tank already. Most schools need to be in groups of 6+ to act more naturally. I'd say all sharks are out of the question. You could go with a school of neons or cardinal tetras, cardinals are larger than neons and seem to be a bit more hardy.

With a 15w bulb you do have some flexibility but still not much will thrive and grow fast. I'm not a planted tank expert by any means but I'm sure others will give you some suggestions. You could probably get away with some java ferns and some java moss. As far as maintenance, with java moss, there is next to none, you simply attach it to your decor and as it grows you can separate it into different bunches. Java Ferns, if the leaves die you would have to prune them.

What did you do to cycle the tank? How do you know its cycled without a test kit?
If you went with a school of fish that would pretty much fill up your tank already. Most schools need to be in groups of 6+ to act more naturally. I'd say all sharks are out of the question. You could go with a school of neons or cardinal tetras, cardinals are larger than neons and seem to be a bit more hardy.

With a 15w bulb you do have some flexibility but still not much will thrive and grow fast. I'm not a planted tank expert by any means but I'm sure others will give you some suggestions. You could probably get away with some java ferns and some java moss. As far as maintenance, with java moss, there is next to none, you simply attach it to your decor and as it grows you can separate it into different bunches. Java Ferns, if the leaves die you would have to prune them.

What did you do to cycle the tank? How do you know its cycled without a test kit?

i have the test strip kit and everything is fine. i did the fishless cycle
You may be able to grow java moss,java ferns or crypts in there, but prob not much else
5g is really small tank so I would not be recommending anything more than 10 neons or around 8 cardinal tetras. Harlequin rasboras are a nice schooling fish and you could get 6 of those. But Meegosh is right. You'd have no room for much else, except perhaps an apple snail.

Unless you considered a shrimp tank.....

Anubias nana is a great plant for a small tank too. Get a good micronutrient fertiliser (e.g: Seachem Comprehensive) and dose as directed. If your plants look sick, there are plenty of sites to help id any nutrient deficiency.

Also strongly recommend you get the liquid test kit as the test strips are notoriously inaccurate.

Remember to keep up that ammonia source until you add your new fish.
i'd say go for a whole troop or oscars

(i'm being totally and completely sarcastic. PLEASE don't do this.)

I think it'd be pretty neat to do some black gravel or tahitian moon sand, rig a black light and get a school of pink/orange/green glo fish
i'd say go for a whole troop or oscars

(i'm being totally and completely sarcastic. PLEASE don't do this.)

I think it'd be pretty neat to do some black gravel or tahitian moon sand, rig a black light and get a school of pink/orange/green glo fish

i have about 2 baby oscars in the tank so far

jk jk

anyways i dont even think my lfs has glo fish lol. i will post a pic of my tank soon as it has completed cycling and will get some fish tomorrow
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