Rainbow or gournami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2003
Toronto CANADA

I am hoping to buy a colored fish to go with my livebearer tank. This is what I have:

45G: 6 mollies, 6 platies, 2 ID shark, 4 White Clouds, 4 Raspboras, 1 Paradise Fish (red/white stripes), 1 Inca snail, well planted, frequent water changes, all fish get along peacefully.

I was thinking of buying a rainbow or a blue gournami. The guy at the lfs told me rainbows are good and they change their color intensity depending on their mood. I was also told gournamis could be agressive. I wanted to know what you guys and girls think.

Will either go with my tank? Or will it be a problem with the Paradise fish?
I dont know how well a Gouramis will go with your Paradise fish but..

I have a blue gouramis in my 30 gal community tank and he doesnt bother any of the other fish and looks beautiful.
Not agressive at all.
I'd suggest rainbowfish- they're peaceful, active, and colorful. However, they are a schooling fish, so I'd suggest getting at LEAST three of them rather than just one.

It's hard to say what will happen if you add a gourami to the mix. Some can be really peaceful; others can be terrors.
It is very hard to decide betwen the 2 fish. I have dealt with peaceful rainbowfish, and a bully rainbowfish. Gouramis are also touchy...could be mean or nice. If you do go with a rainbowfish, please keep in mind that they do like their room to swim...fast and in a straight line..i would also suggest not to get an australian rainbowfish. As far as gouramis, I would suggest a pearl or opaline..preferrably a female, as they tend to be even more peaceful.

Keep us updated and let us know how it goes!
I've never had a problem with rainbow fish. I did have a blue powder dwarf gourami that decided to be aggressive. I think you'll have better luck with a rainbow.
Don't forget the spelling police is always on your tail. There is no "n" in gourami.

45G tank, I'd go with the rainbows. Gouramis can be agressive, but I've never had one that was. Rainbows are very active and their colors are neat.
Thanx everybody for all the advice. Based upon this I went to SuperPets today to buy a rainbow fish. However I got a male/female pair of dwarf gourami because

1) They were on special (CND $5.99 for the pair).
2) These were beautiful red/blue pair.
3) The sales lady, who in the past I had found knowledgable, said they would go better with the mollies, as the rainbows were too peaceful and the mollies would nip them and not let up. Plus she said the Paradish fish would also make problems for rainbows, not gouramis.

So I got the pair, placed them in the tank with the lights off for some time. I have been observing them for the last 10 hours, they seem to follow "live and let live" for now. I will update in case anything happens (hope not!)
lmw80 said:
It is very hard to decide betwen the 2 fish. I have dealt with peaceful rainbowfish, and a bully rainbowfish. Gouramis are also touchy...could be mean or nice. If you do go with a rainbowfish, please keep in mind that they do like their room to swim...fast and in a straight line..i would also suggest not to get an australian rainbowfish. As far as gouramis, I would suggest a pearl or opaline..preferrably a female, as they tend to be even more peaceful.

Keep us updated and let us know how it goes!

Found this out hte hard way. I blamed my betta deaths on the Dwarf Gourmais and moved them to another tank. Well last week my wife bought somemore female betta's to go back in my 55 gal. This morning I woke to 2 dead betta's and the rainbow RAMMING one of the others into a corner. Got him out quick. Never could figure out why my dg were getting aggressive and I could watch the tank for an hour and they just swim around and never got close to anyone else. Go figure. :roll:
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