rainbow shark died today

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
United Kingdom
gi guys he has died today on christmas day also 3 days ago my loach also died since then he was on his own and found him today what a shame I was atached to him, my acid levels and nitrate are at 0
Exactly what are your parameters? Ammonia, Nitrite, and nitrate? What is your ph? How long has the tank been running, and how big? What fish are in the tank?
Sorry to hear about your fish. It sounds to me that you are suffering from a water parameter issue also. Answer the questions wolf asked and we might be able to help some more. I would recommend a water change right away but test your parameters before the water change and post them.
ok guys here it is I have a 80 litre tank and these are my fish:
1 plecostomus cat fish
1 clown loach
10 neon tetras
6 orange tetras
5 black tetras
2 guppies
1 sucking loach
2scissor tails
I'm using a hydor external filter with Zeolite media in it
PH 7.0
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate is 40 or 80 hard to say because doing it in artificial light and its hard to say :oops: the colour chart is close using ati master kit
If you can, try to get the nitrates below 20 and keep them there. 40 isn't considered bad, and 80 is a little high, but most people recommend PWC's til you get it below 20. Then a weekly 25% PWC should keep it there unless you are overfeeding.
Also, does the filter have a sponge? If so, I'd slowly remove some of the zeolite and replace with other media such as ceramic cylinders, lava granules, or something else that will fit in the filter. I've never used that filter so I don't know the size of the media compartment.

Also, instead of media like cylinders, you can use floss too. Just a few ideas. Since you seem to be cycled, there's no real need for the zeolite crystals, as the bacteria is taking care of it or you. But don't replace it all at once to possibly throw it into another cycle. Replace a small portion, give it a week or 2, then replace another portion.
Also with the media like cylinders and lava granules, never need to replace them. Just a quick inspection, and if some look clogged, rinse off the clogged cylinder in aquarium water and put back in.

If you get floss, will need to remove and rinse out in aquarium water and put back in occasionally. Then if it get's really bad, then you replace the floss with new. But for the lava and cylinders, you never have to replace.

And when rinsing off the cylinders or the floss, don't use tap water, as the chlorine will kill off the bacteria. Take out some aquarium water in a small bucket and rinse in there. :)
that lava granuals i was trying to get before from my local store but they never had any so he give me the zeolite which helped in bringing the nitrite down to 0 :eek:
cheers for you help I found this topic and your answers very helpfull thank you very much :D
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