Rapheal Cat Fish Showing Signs Of Sickness

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 11, 2005
Fort Benning
Hey one of my Catfish looks like his skin is peeling off. Its kinda like a white layer of skin. It almost looks like the type of skin that peels off when you get a sunburn. The Catfish is only staying at the bottom of the tank. He is barely moving. I bought some Ick medicine, and these pills for other kinds of disease. Any clues on whats going on ???
I don't know a whole lot, I'd guess a bacterial infection. What are your water parameters? How long have you had your tank set up and how long have you had this fish? This information will help others on this site provide you with better information than I am able to provide you. The more information you can give, the better they help you will receive. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this site.
Could be bacterial, but the water chemistry will tell us a lot.....despite being hardy fish, Doradids do not tolerate certain water conditions well at all.
My water temp is at 23c. The ph is 6.6 and the hardness is about 13dgh. There are all pretty close to the specs required for them. So I dont think its the water parameteres, ive read the species is not fussy regarding water parameters. The other Catfish are fine, im just afraid that w/e this catfish may have, might infect the others. Yesterday I bought some pills call Furan-2. I took out the carbon and dropped the med in. Today he appears to be better. He is moving more, and his skin appears to be less pealy. It may be a slime but im not sure. So far he is progressing towards getting better.
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