Re-did my 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 26, 2009
Hey guys, i re-did my 10 gallon from an endler storage tank, to a fancy guppy breeding tank/paradise...

heres a pic of what it looks like now...

the substrate is eco complete, black gravel around the base of the driftwood, and a natural gravel pathway...


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It looks like there's no water in your tank. I think the path is great. It's kinda like a Hansel and Gretel theme to me for some reason. :rolleyes:
the path will probably be gone after a few water changes... need some more plants for the fry though. and a nice solid background. otherwise, looks like a great start
Always gotta be a Debbie Downer....LMAO!

yea, seriously. plus, i dont want to put more plants in, and the fry are gonna get transferred to a separate fry only tank. and i think it looks good the way it does, with out TONS of plants... but maybe its because i have a 55 gallon and a 5 gallon that are over planted...
Maybe you could get some plastic canvas from WalMart and kind of divide the path from the other substrate, without being able to see the canvas? It's super cheap and I use it all over my tanks lol! I made tunnels, lattices, hooked the moss on it, slowed down the filter flow, etc....LOL.
that sounds cool. i'll check it out. im also thinking of putting in very small river stones around the edges of the natural gravel...
Another idea for your pathway, and I was going to do this for our shrimp tank then said "nah" get a piece of saran wrap, some silicone and your gravel. Make a silicon "trail" on the saran wrap, then put your gravel on it. All you have to do is let it cure and you have a pathway that stays together. :)
Another idea for your pathway, and I was going to do this for our shrimp tank then said "nah" get a piece of saran wrap, some silicone and your gravel. Make a silicon "trail" on the saran wrap, then put your gravel on it. All you have to do is let it cure and you have a pathway that stays together. :)

i like this idea :) sorry i sounded like i was ruining your thread, just offering some suggestions.
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