Re: sick fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2009
Yonker, NY
Re: sick fish

Our fish has been weak and has been scratching on the rocks and surface of our tank. He also has both eyes clouded and is having a hard time eating because of his vision. We just recently started treating him w Kent Marine Rx-P. We also founf out that we should add some copper safe me dto help cure his eyes. Wat would you suggest???
Moved to it`s own thread. The one you posted on was an informational thread.

OK I've heard of the blue manthlyne and I know I can get it at the fish store. Can I also obtain the other meds there too?? My concern is that we also have other fish that are not infected which are a pr of clown fish a goby and some hermit crabs. Will they be effected by the meds in the tank.
Moved this post to your thread. Please try not to hijack others post`s.
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