Really shy cichlids:(

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2012
When ever I come up to the glass my cichlids quickly go and hide in there rocks and shells and stuff is there any way to make my fish happier and less shy? If you can help please do!
Mine do this too, I think it's pretty normal. I have found that they seem to get less shy over time as they learn who feeds them and they also seemed to be more active after I got some new fish.
ATM I have 2 yellow labs one female and a make 2 Johanni (electric blue) female and a male and one cichlid idk what he is! What type of bottom feeder should I get? I have a 36 gallon
This is going to sound really funny, but my wife would talk to them. To this day, she can start talking to them, and the older ones come flying to the glass. My African featherfin even puts his belly up to he glass for her to tap on it.
Crawdaddy said:
This is going to sound really funny, but my wife would talk to them. To this day, she can start talking to them, and the older ones come flying to the glass. My African featherfin even puts his belly up to he glass for her to tap on it.

Maybe I should try that!;)
I would go with synodontis.In particular cuckoo catfish or synodontis Multipunctatus as they are scientifically known.Beautiful fish and very active.Also they don't get too big and get on fine with mbuna.
garfy said:
I would go with synodontis.In particular cuckoo catfish or synodontis Multipunctatus as they are scientifically known.Beautiful fish and very active.Also they don't get too big and get on fine with mbuna.

Ok thanks for the answers
I added some new cichlids instead of a cat fish and my cichlids are a lot more friendly and not as shy!!:DDDD
This is going to sound really funny, but my wife would talk to them. To this day, she can start talking to them, and the older ones come flying to the glass. My African featherfin even puts his belly up to he glass for her to tap on it.

I don't speak directly to mine, but when I'm on the phone with my girlfriend or something (long conversations, lol!), I will put my face up close to the glass and watch them while I'm talking to her. I think they can recognize the sound waves from my voice.
They will definitely come around :) mine follow me every time I get close to the tank lol. They beg for food like a dog would hAha!
I have 4 JD, they do the same thing. They still run and hide from me and I has them over a year. However they have 2 sets of babies.. They are the opposite. They come running for food. I wish my adults were more friendly.
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