Red emerald crab and anemone

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 16, 2013
Why does my red emerald crab stay right next to my anemone? It looks like he is picking at him at times. My anemone has been doing really well for the last month or so. He finally came out of the cave he had been hiding in and the clowns have been hosting non stop. He has been really full and active, loving the lights and flowing in the current. This morning he has drawn up to strings and the crab appears to be picking at him like he's trying to eat him. Is this normal or should I be worried?
crabs regardless of speciecs are meat eaters so it is very possible he could have sensed the stress levels were high on that anemone and they are mainly scavengers so they eat the weak ime i saw one carrying a clown fish all the way across my 90 so anything is possible hope his helps and good luck
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