redecorating my 75

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2004
Hi, I was just surfing around trying to find some advise about creating a sand bed in my 75 and happened on this site. Maybe somebody out there can tell me if I can just go to the local HomeDepot and buy sand, or do I need a special kind of sand. Im going to tear it down this weekend or next and any advise would be helpful.
if it is a saltwater tank go to homedepot and get southdown tropical playsand.Yard right playsand also works.
I wouldn't buy just any old sand, most prefer an aragonite sand, 100% silica will be fine and some even use the black volcanic sand. If your looking in Home Depot, I can warn you not to look for the elusive SouthDown/Old castle sand, it's not available in FL, however, depending on where your at, you can get a ton of the stuff for about 20 bucks, if your willing to make a road trip ;)
The aragonite sand will push the PH up over 7.5. Is that OK for the type of freshwater fish you want to keep?
so i can just go to the beach and bring back sand? even for my freshwater tank? shouldnt i be concerned about impurities or anything of that nature? or can i just sift the stuff to get out any unwanted bits of shell and other stuff?
Verify with your local laws. I know FL is very strict with what you can and cant take from the ocean and the beach should be classified as an extension of the ocean.

Beach sand will have saltwater bactera and creatures living in it. Placing this in a freshwater enviorment will kill off all these and cause ammonia probably to start out with. Beach sand can also be littered with debirs an chemicals from suntan lotion, etc.
Because this is the Welcome Wagon:
[center:f3ef9e6ecc] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, Basboosa!!! :n00b:[/center:f3ef9e6ecc]

Basboosa, if you post in the Freshwater Getting Started Forum, you will get a ton more help (not everyone checks the WW) from the FW keepers. When you post, let us know what fish you are keeping, tank size, filter, etc...that way you will get a jump on the help :wink:
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