redsea's 125g Reef Build

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Another stocking question:

What are your guys' thoughts on Dottybacks? I had a Diadem before, but he, too, was murdered by my Triggerfish.

I was looking at the Orchids as I have heard that they aren't as agressive as some of their counterparts, but I do like some of the others also.

So what do you all think? Will a Dottyback be an issue with the Anthias and few other smaller fish (like the Firefish), and my current stock?

Thanks! I was actually looking at the Indigo and decided that I liked that one better than the Orchid. :-D

I think it is pretty cool that it is a hybrid of the Orchid and the Striped, they are fairly pricey though.
Hi everyone, I am posting with not so good news today. Unfortunately, I found out yesterday that my Linespot Flashed Wrasse died. I think it might have been due to stress from the McCosker's Wrasse I have in there, not sure though.
BRS Group Buy

Now here is a happy post!

I forgot to mention that on Sunday night I ordered two sheets of netting (for 125g and 55g), and a Two Little Fishies Magnet Clip. I am excited for both! ;) Especially the magnet clip because I won't have to stick my arm in every time I want to add seaweed.

Thanks for following.
Unfortunately, while I was looking at the tank last night it looked like there was a single ich spot on the Blue Hippo Tang. I guess I need to restart the countdown now. :(

I am actually not 100% sure it was ich, it was only one spot, and it seemed maybe tad larger than an ich parasite should be. :confused:
So sorry about the wrasse. :-( This stuff happens but it still sucks.

As far as the hippo, are they bumps from under the skin or on the skin? Mine gets bumps under his skin every once in awhile, at first i thought it was ich too but it's usually the same bumps in the same spots. Happens every other month or two lasting maybe a day. No bumps or anything on any other fish either.
carey said:
So sorry about the wrasse. :-( This stuff happens but it still sucks.

As far as the hippo, are they bumps from under the skin or on the skin? Mine gets bumps under his skin every once in awhile, at first i thought it was ich too but it's usually the same bumps in the same spots. Happens every other month or two lasting maybe a day. No bumps or anything on any other fish either.

Unfortunately, it looks look it is above the skin, which really stinks because I really don't wait to restart the hypo clock. I'll see if I can't get some kind of picture later to see if you guys can confirm whether or not it is ich.

Thanks for your post.
Wow, my BRS order came already (a few hours ago), that seemed pretty quick to me!

Thanks Carey!

Time to check the salinity on the tank, make sure it is in the appropriate range. :)
I've been following this thread from inception and have a couple of thoughts.

First, I'm sorry to hear about all your troubles lately.

Second, I hope it is not Ich still in your tank that you are seeing on the tang.

Third, from everything that I have been able to research/read about Marine Ich, the extreme minimum amount of time to cure Ich with hypo and be relatively sure is a little over 8 weeks. I don't think you kept your tank at a hyposalinity state long enough.

Please don't take this the wrong way as I am in no way an expert at any of this. I am sincerely hoping to shed some light on this problem to help solve this problem. As I understand the process (in a nutshell)...

Lower salinity to 1.008 to 1.009 sp. gr. within 48 hours and maintain.
Closely monitor pH as this easily changes in a hypo environment.
Maintain hypo for 4 weeks after the last spot is seen.
If after 4 weeks with no spots, remain in hypo for 4 more weeks to be mostly sure the Ich is cured. There is no way to be 100% sure.
Start raising the salinity back to normal. Raising sp. gr. is more stressful on the fish than lowering it. Raise it no more than .003 sp. gr. per day. This should take at least 6 days to return to normal salinity.

Hope this helps if you have to go hypo again. Hopefully what you are seeing is not Ich. :ermm:

Good luck!
Thanks for the input Steve. The tank is actually still in hypo which is good, that way I don't have to bring it all the way back down, LOL.

Last night I changed out a small amount of the water to make sure it was in an okay stage. I beleive that the hypo is .009 or under, but I am just afraid that it will creep back up. Since it looks okay now, I will just keep it there and ocntinue to do daily top-offs to make sure the salinity doesn't get too high.

I have been considering making the salinity even lower than it is, but I think it would also end up being bad if the salinity became too low, so I am thinking of just keeping it where it is.

I really hope that it isn't ich either. I know that this is possible with Marine Ich, but there seems to only be a single noticable spot on the Hippo. None of the other fish have ich.

Is ich normally only one size?
Generally they are only the size of a grain of salt or sugar.

I re-scanned the post before I posted but must have missed that you were still in hypo. That is great!

Keep it at 1.008-1.009; don't go lower. Also keep a close eye of the pH. It can be difficult to maintain in hypo.

Hpoefully that spot is not ich but to be safe, keep hypo going until fours weeks after there are no visible spots.

Still following and good luck!
Thanks! Interestingly enough, it seems like that one spot is gone, but there are now two on either side on him. Just saw it quickly though so there is still a possibility that it is something else.
So after posting on Kio's thread earlier, I am seriously considering changing out the Yellow Tang for a small Purple. Even though the Purple is expensive, I think it would be worth it for me. I know that adding more fish to this tank is a little far away, but I still have been thinking about stocking frequently, LOL.

As always, your thoughts are appreciated, thank you!
redsea said:
So after posting on Kio's thread earlier, I am seriously considering changing out the Yellow Tang for a small Purple. Even though the Purple is expensive, I think it would be worth it for me. I know that adding more fish to this tank is a little far away, but I still have been thinking about stocking frequently, LOL.

As always, your thoughts are appreciated, thank you!

I love my purple- only one better than him in my tank is the lieutenant tang (gorgeous but just as hard to find where I live and hardly on liveaquaria). You should do it! He's a centerpiece fish!
You know what, I think I will! :-D No promises, but there is a VERY good, no VERY GREAT chance I will get a Purple. :-D

Jlsardina- you're right, he would make a beautiful centerpiece! (Thanks for the help earlier too)

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