Reef packages??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 27, 2004
Fort Worth, TX
Hello all,

I was checking out the contents of today and noticed that they offer several different reef packages. The one that caught my eye was for a 30-90 gallon set up wich contained:

Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Nasssarius Snail: 5
Peppermint Shrimp: 3
Emerald Crab - Limit is 5: 3
Coral Banded Shrimp - Limit is 2: 1
Feather Duster: 2

My question is, has anyone ever purchased a reef package from this or any other site? If so, was the livestock in good shape when you go it? And is this even a good way to go as opposed to buying everything separately? Finally, 43 crabs seemed like an awful lot, but since I'm a newbie to this whole thing, I could be wrong! :D

Thanks for the advice!!!
Coral Banded may off your Peppermint shrimp...they don't play well with others.

I would stick to the blueleg dwarf hermits, my scarlets got big enough to move into turbo snail shells that were just previously occupied. And 40 crabs is a lot.

Skip the emerald crabs too, they will cause problems with any coral.

Just what I've learned.
I got my cleaner pack from and this is what i`ve learned.......the snails and crabs will eat more than you think so start small then adjust later..unless you have a tank so full of algae you cant see the water.
the 55 gal pack was over kill for my 65 gal tank in one weeks time there was nothing left for the snails to eat.
Thanks guys. I thought that 40-something crabs sounded like a lot. If I go this route I'll by a smaller package and then add accordingly. The bluelegs sound like the way to go.
I have one large scarlet hermit that takes care of the whole tank (90G). I tried to add a few more, but he ended up killing them.

I would personally put together your own mix to start with...just a minimum amount. Then add more as you feel is needed. I think it's better to not have enough and add more than have too many and have them just die off....waste of life and money. Just my opinion.

That reminds me....I need to order some more snails...stupid, falling on their backs and dying snails. :?
No kidding....I'm down from about 30 to about 20 in 3 months...why can't they fall when I'm awake or at home?
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