Rena filstar xp3 vs. marineland 350 mag. pro

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Cichlid Kid

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 23, 2012
I had my heart set on an xp3 and by mistake my wife got me a 350pro.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful and i may keep it depending on the feedback i get here.
So.... my question is, which is the better filter?
Any and all answers are appreciated.
Merry x-mas everyone!
>=))))°> CK,
I have never used a Rena filter, but I have read nothing but good things and reviews on them. As far as the 350 goes I used to run them on a few tanks. Never had any problems with them. I actually ran the 400's but same difference. My only issue with them was they are louder then my current AC110s. Other then that they were great filters.

I'd say if you wanted the Rena go get it. A can is always better then a hob filter plus you get the added bio filtration that is offered when using a can. Really I'd get both since you already have it, ya might as well keep it.
I agree. I've never used a better filter than the Rena XPs. No comparison, the Rena is superior, and I've used plenty of Marineland HOBs.
I've used both, including marineland canisters and all are good. I will say that marineland canisters are easier to get started than the XP, but the XPs are still great, I'm running one on my 75.
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