restocking question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 12, 2012
Birmingham, Alabama
Ok, I have a 29 gal now. I realize that's too small so I'm in the market for a 55 or 75. I stocked a red zebra, blue johanii, rusty, yellow lab, yellow tail acei, and red peacock. The peacock is giving the rusty so much hell he stays in the back corner behind a plant. The rustys fins are starting to look frayed as well as the lab, so I'm getting the peacock out of there. (I was told they shouldn't have been together in the first place)

My question is: when I pull the peacock should I replace her and rearrange the decor? I'm worried the johanii will go on a rampage without enough fish to distract him.
A 29gal doesnt offer enough real estate nomatter how you decorate. And yes it will probably be the johanii that goes hells bells.
Good luck
Thank you. I know the 29 is too small. I only thought of rearranging the decoration to break up territories. Should I replace the peacock or no?
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